(轉載)巨型飛碟繞太陽? NASA稱失靈,物理學家說巨大不明飛行物使用太陽的星門
然而,NASA立體攝影工程科學家 Joe Gurman博士說這些只不過是壓縮失真,而且中央數據記錄設備正好在1月18日,記錄到巨星UFO的那天失靈,從而導致了我們看到的一切。
1. 不要信任NASA會揭露地外文明—NASA立體攝影工程科學家 Joe Gurman博士關於攝影設備故障的解釋不合乎情理,且NASA已不明原由地從網上撤走了這批照片。
2. 發展的人類科學能解釋這些巨型UFO—Nassim Haramein的奇點理論為他們作了科學的,合理的解釋:他們利用太陽的星門跨維來到這裡。
3. 這些UFO通過星門來到太陽系並為NASA探測器所記錄,可謂是他們的自我揭露,他們的文明具有地球大小的飛船。
4. 這些通過太陽星門穿越的地球尺寸的飛船具備在必要時為人類提供緊急援助的能力,這樣的能力會打破「不干預」法則。
NASAs Stereo spacecraft monitoring the Sun began registering huge spherical UFO』s in the vicinity of the Sun around January 18, 2010. According to one observer, the UFOs 「appear to be moving as they are in different positions on many [of the NASA Stereo] photos, and are huge possibly at least the size of Earth. If the UFOs were planets or some type of huge asteroid comets, they would already have been pulled into the Sun by the strong gravity the Sun produces as in the case of the recent comet."
Dr. Joe Gurman, NASA Stereo Project scientist states the giant solar UFOs are compression artifacts. Moreover, he states, the "』central data recorder』 at DSN, that stores all the playback data from all the missions DSN supports, failed' on January 18, 2010, the date the solar UFO wave began, thus accounting for the images of giant UFOs (see full statement in the article below).
1. NASA cannot be trusted to perform extraterrestrial disclosure – The technical explanation of equipment failure offered by, NASA Stereo Project scientist is implausible. Without just cause, NASA removed images which showed giant solar UFOs from its website.
2. Progressive human science now can explain giant solar UFOs – Nassim Haramein』s singularity theory offers a plausible, science-based explanation of giant solar UFOs, which use the star gate of our Sun to access our solar system from interdimensional reality.
3. The January 18, 2010 solar UFO wave constitutes a disclosure of their presence by extraterrestrials – By entering our solar system through the Sun』s star gate and being monitored and recorded by NASA』s Stereo spacecraft, extraterrestrial (interdimensional) civilizations have de facto disclosed their presence in space ships as large as the Earth.
4. Earth-sized solar UFO spaceships accessing the solar system through the star gate of the Sun appear to have the capability to render emergency assistance to (or socio-political domination of) our human population, if need be. Such an intervention would violate a universal law of non-intervention.