2009年6月26日 星期五

Beautifully imperfect


"The little imperfections that make them perfect for you."

Ms. Lee , I believe you have some words to say about the David Lee brother.

I'm not going to sing praises for my husband, not today.
Neither I might not talk about how good he was, enough people had done that here.
Instead, I want to talk about some things that would make some of you feel a bit uncomfortable.

First of all, I want to talk about what happened in bed.
Ever have difficulty starting your car engine in the morning?


Well that's exactly what David snoring sound like. But wait, snoring wasn't everything.
There was also this rear and wind action going on his life.

Some nights, it would be so forceful, it would wake him up. "What was that?" he would asked. "Oh, it's the dog." I would say. "Go back to sleep dear."


All you might find this all very funny . But towards the end of his life,when his illness was at its worst. This sounds indicated to me that my David was still alive, and what I wouldn't give, just to hear those sounds again before I sleep.

In the end, it's these small things that you remember? The little imperfections that make them perfect for you. So to my beautiful children, I hope one day, you too find yourself life partners who are as beautifully imperfect as your father was, to me.

