2009年11月9日 星期一
作詞:小軒 作曲:譚健常 女聲:陳艾湄
(男)一封不該來的信 你又何必介意
昨天的你變得好模糊 真叫人捉不住
(女)捉不住的是你的心 不是我太在乎
在她信中你對她好溫柔 你怎麼解釋清楚
※(合)為什麼 感情變得好脆弱
(男)我不想感情介入第三者 oh~No
(合)昨天的你變得好模糊 難道只為了一封信
2009年10月8日 星期四
Mass. biotech firms urged to remain independent
By Robert Weisman Globe Staff / October 7, 2009
It’s time for pulling up the bootstraps.
That was the message delivered to biotechnology start-ups at the 11th annual MassBio Investors Forum yesterday. At a time when major drug makers are consolidating and may be less willing to buy fledgling companies, biotechs have to make it on their own and bring drugs to market themselves.
Industry leaders warned that the old model of forming a biotech company, shepherding a drug through development and years of clinical trials, and then selling the company to a pharmaceutical buyer may be played out.
Success will now require a survival mentality and a focus on remaining independent, said Barry Greene, president of Cambridge biotech Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc.
“Cultures that depend on survival are absolutely critical for this industry to succeed,’’ Greene said. “If you don’t want to [stay independent], you’re not a company. You’re a project.’’
Biotech leaders said it could take seven to 10 years to bring new drugs into commercial use in the future, compared with the five- to six-year time horizon of the past, mostly because of scarcer financing and a longer government approval process.
James J. O’Mara, vice president of business development at another Cambridge biotech, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals Inc., said more start-ups are willing to invest in technology without the expectation they will be snapped up for a premium. If the technology doesn’t lead to a product, they must be ready to shut down and cut their losses, he said. “People are being much more explicit about the company they’re building, and I think that’s a good thing,’’ O’Mara said.
During a panel on building a sustainable biotech business model, moderator Ted Torphy, chief scientific officer and head of external research for Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals, told the audience at the Sheraton Boston Hotel that drug companies continue to look to biotechs for research and development.
“As an industry, we’re spending more and more for less and less productivity,’’ Torphy conceded. “Unless this changes, large pharmaceutical companies may be doing better by their shareholders if they invest in oil rather than investing in drug discovery.’’
But that doesn’t mean they are as ea ger to make acquisitions as they’ve been in the past, Torphy said, noting that big pharmaceutical companies have been moving aggressively to pare costs by streamlining research and striking partnerships with biotechs. “We want products, we don’t want companies,’’ he said.
Not everyone agreed the old business model is broken.
Alan Crane, former chief executive of Momenta Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge who is now general partner at Polaris Venture Partners in Waltham, said biotechs that focus on developing “breakthrough technology’’ rather than finding new ways to use old technology will get funding despite the retrenchment at pharmaceutical companies.
“There’s a lot of reason for long-term optimism,’’ Crane said, citing the aging of the population and growth in global markets.
The most successful companies will be innovators, said Katrine Bosley, chief executive of Avila Therapeutics in Waltham .
“One way you know that you’re innovating is if everybody thinks you’re crazy,’’ Bosley said. “If you’re not getting that kind of reaction on a regular basis, then you’re not being innovative enough.’’
But in the near future, biotechs will operate in an environment of funding scarcity and will need to adjust their goals - and their “burn rates,’’ the speed at which they run through venture capital - said Noubar Afeyan, managing partner and chief executive of Flagship Ventures in Cambridge.
He defended venture capital firms’ practice of investing in more mature companies, which has come under criticism from cash-starved entrepreneurs. “If we pour a lot of money into the early stage, we’re going to have a lot of orphan companies.’’
2009年9月8日 星期二
It's so touching!
腳步加速的那一秒,牠知道................最愛牠的人回來了。What is love? This lion can tell you.
2009年9月7日 星期一
涅槃 (Nirvana)
你腦內的兩個世界(中文) -- 吉兒泰勒(Jill Bolte Taylor)
2009年8月24日 星期一
前幾天剛好有空,去看了一下台灣自有品牌的LUXGEN MPV,雖然是試裝車,品質還未臻完善,但是看到台灣自己的汽車廠牌的mark,心裡還是有些悸動.......就像我多年前在美國演講後的悸動一樣。希望這個品牌能成長茁壯,證明台灣人可以驕傲的選擇台灣人自己製造的車子。
2009年8月14日 星期五
本土檳榔翻唱版:施文彬 -- 七仔
施文彬 - 七仔
作詞:武雄 / 作曲:佚名 / 編曲:屠穎
馬上透過 SNG 連線,帶您進一步瞭解到現場最新狀況。
(o s):
七仔 你斟酌看 七仔 我咧樓尾頂啦 你講你上愛我 但是又擱變卦 違背咱的詛咒
七仔 你斟酌看 七仔 我咧樓尾頂啦 卡緊出來談判 代誌大家講破 若無我無愛活
(o s):
誰知影就在民國 85 年 5 月 20 日阿輝仔【宣誓就職】彼工,
全台灣 2100 萬人攏是頭家啦,你講,你欲嫁都一個,你講啊!你講啊,你講啊!...........
七仔 你真愛死炸 七仔 我歸腹火啦
叫我怎樣饒赦 女性的可怕 你害我 心痛疼
七仔 你不免講啦 七仔 世間無咧坎蓋
到這已經看破 跳落上快活 是命運是註定
七仔 我咧樓尾頂啦 七仔 七仔 七仔
我已經看破 你騙人的詛咒 依依難捨嘛是無卡詛
七仔 你敢有咧看 七仔 我咧樓尾頂啦
對你所有的情愛 最後的審判 是運命 是註定
七仔.........七仔 七仔 七仔 啊..........
經典原唱版:falco - jeanny
Jeanny, komm, come on
Steh auf - bitte, du wirst ganz naß
Schon spät, komm - wir müssen weg hier,
raus aus dem Wald, verstehst du nicht?
Wo ist dein Schuh, du hast ihn verloren,
als ich dir den Weg zeigen mußte
Wer hat verloren? Du dich?
Ich mich? Oder, oder wir uns?
Jeanny, quit livin' on dreams
Jeanny, life is not what it seems
Such a lonely little girl in a cold, cold world
There's someone who needs you
Jeanny, quit livin' on dreams
Jeanny, life is not what it seems
You're lost in the night, don't wanna struggle and fight
There's someone, who needs you, babe
Es ist kalt, wir müssen weg hier, komm
Dein Lippenstift ist verwischt
Du hast ihn gekauft und ich habe es gesehen
Zuviel rot auf deinen Lippen und du hast gesagt:
"Mach mich nicht an"
Aber du warst durchschaut, Augen sagen mehr als Worte
Du brauchst mich doch, hmh?
Alle wissen, daß wir zusammen sind ab heute,
jetzt hör ich sie! Sie kommen
Sie kommen, dich zu holen
Sie werden dich nicht finden
Niemand wird dich finden, du bist bei mir
Jeanny, quit livin' on dreams
Jeanny, life is not what it seems
Such a lonely little girl in a cold, cold world
There's someone who needs you
Jeanny, quit livin' on dreams
Jeanny, life is not what it seems
You're lost in the night, don't wanna struggle and fight
There's someone, who needs you
Newsflash: In den letzten Monaten
ist die Zahl der vermißten Personen
dramatisch angestiegen. Die jüngste
Veröffentlichung der lokalen
Polizeibehörde berichtet von einem
weiteren tragischen Fall. Es handelt
sich um ein neunzehnjähriges
Mädchen, das zuletzt vor vierzehn
Tagen gesehen wurde. Die Polizei
schließt die Möglichkeit nicht aus, daß
es sich hier um ein Verbrechen handelt.
Jeanny, quit livin' on dreams
Jeanny, life is not what it seems
Such a lonely little girl in a cold, cold world
There's someone who needs you
Jeanny, quit livin' on dreams
Jeanny, life is not what it seems
You're lost in the night, don't wanna struggle and fight
There's someone, who needs you
2009年7月28日 星期二
作者:謝明玲 出處:天下雜誌 391期 2008/02
四十不惑,五十而知天命,中年應是成熟有餘裕的年歲,卻可能面臨最大的快樂和幸福感危機。 去年底,一項由英國華瑞克大學(University of Warick)和美國達特茅斯學院(Dartmouth College)發表的研究顯示,他們分析全球的焦慮和快樂,發現人一生的快樂呈現「U」型,谷底則出現在中年時期。儘管各國有不同的年齡、男女分布差距,但四十多歲的男女,最容易出現憂鬱。 身體的退化是一個原因。台北市立聯合醫院中興院區精神科主治醫師詹佳真指出,記憶力、體力可能都在四十歲左右到達頂點。身體上的限制帶來不舒服的感覺,也意味著必須跟著調整經營人生的方式。 當生理狀況改變時,遇上人生的重大變故,例如婚變、裁員、父母離去,身心的復原彈性以及面對新挑戰的學習和競爭力,也可能不如以往。 中年過後,心理的需求和期待也改變了。萬芳醫院臨床心理師陳恩誠表示,中年後,人追求自我實現,期待自己給社會帶來貢獻或自我滿足。如果無法達到這個需求,只是還在追求愛與隸屬,甚至還只是在追求金錢的生存與安全需求,可能就不會快樂。 四十歲,內在聲音開始抬頭 追求自我實現可能也帶來更多反省與矛盾。和信醫院身心科主治醫師吳佳璇表示,特別是在台灣社會,很多人過去沒有探索自己,不知道自己要什麼;或者明知自己想前進的方向,卻順從傳統的價值的中年人,可能都會開始思考「我是不是要繼續這樣下去?」「如果我換跑道,會不會太晚?是否真的能重新開始?」 「四十歲,內在的聲音開始抬頭,」吳佳璇說。 外在環境更可能是壓力來源。中年人在職場與家庭可能都是兩頭燒的「三明治」;職場上,詹佳真表示,中年人可能已經從完全技術性的工作走向管理職,而有更多非自我能掌控的因素(如人際關係等)影響升遷,無法掌握的壓力,就會帶來困擾。 「過去認為努力就能達到夢想;但這年紀的人可能會發現實際和預期有落差,」詹佳真說。 加上這樣生理與心理狀態帶來的壓力,現代人無法和以前的人一樣,從社會網絡得到龐大支持。吳佳璇觀察到,現在社會變動的腳步快、異質性高,每個人的背景、發展都大不同,人與人變得不容易分享、彼此體會,現代人要比以往學著更能自己過生活、自己做決定。 中年人該如何變快樂? 如果生理的改變是必然;心理、社會壓力不可避免,那麼,中年人該怎樣才會比較快樂?以規律生活步調打底。中年過後,更需培養起運動、均衡規律飲食等好習慣。「建立好的習慣和模式,會有更好的心力來面對人生的挑戰與變化,」陳恩誠說。 他建議每天晚上,生理和心理都要「歸零」。除了睡前不要再大吃大喝,增加身體負擔外,也可以學著練習專心數自己的呼吸,摒除工作的思考,讓睡眠真正是放鬆的,身體心理都進入完全休息的狀態。 接受自己。詹佳真表示,過去或許能過目不忘,或者熬夜工作不喊累,到了中年之後,要接受自己身體機能可能不如以往,而要重新調整工作方式,一樣能把工作做好。例如,隨身攜帶備忘錄,或者以平均分配工作時間取代熬夜習慣、或者由年輕同事分擔一部份不擅長、要重新學習的工作等。 建立多輪軸的生活方式。詹佳真建議從不同的層面找到生活的滿足。有人的滿足完全來自於工作,她則建議,如終身學習、找到新興趣;或者培養新的人際關係;幫助別人等這樣多輪軸的生活方式,可以為中年找到不同的生命價值和支撐網絡。 探索自己。陳恩誠表示,或許受到上輩或者社會集體潛意識的影響,很多人在中年前不曾思考自我的興趣與長處,而勉強自己走上特定道路。如果在中年出現焦慮,或許也是轉機,有機會重新思考自己的焦慮何來?興趣在哪裡?努力的方向在哪裡?強項和弱項在哪裡? 「可以開始思考自己『希望』(hope)的人生是什麼,而不是『渴望』(wish)的人生(帶著羨慕,卻做不到)」他說。 詹佳真建議,中年後若要換跑道,需要更仔細考量。因為身體狀況的限制,必須在新工作帶來的心理的滿足以及對身體負荷間取得平衡點。
中年危機~憂鬱44歲 U形人生谷底
2009年7月24日 星期五
Say Goodnight Not Goodbye
Say Goodnight Not Goodbye -- by Chantal Kreviazuk
Say goodnight, not goodbye
You will never leave my heart behind
Like the path, of a star
I'll be anywhere you are
In the sparke that lies beneath the coals
In the secret place inside your soul
Keep my life, in your eyes
Say goodnight , not goodbye
Don't you fear, when you dream
Waking up is never what it seem
Like a jewel buried deep
Like a promise meant to keep
You are everything you ought to be
So just let your heart reach out to me
I'll be right, by your side
Say goodnight, not goodbye
You are everything you ought to be
So just let your heart reach out to me
Keep my life, in your eyes
Say goodnight, not goodbye
Say goodnight, not goodbye
2009年7月23日 星期四
2009年7月17日 星期五
2009年6月26日 星期五
Beautifully imperfect
"The little imperfections that make them perfect for you."
Ms. Lee , I believe you have some words to say about the David Lee brother.
I'm not going to sing praises for my husband, not today.
Neither I might not talk about how good he was, enough people had done that here.
Instead, I want to talk about some things that would make some of you feel a bit uncomfortable.
Ever have difficulty starting your car engine in the morning?
Well that's exactly what David snoring sound like. But wait, snoring wasn't everything.
There was also this rear and wind action going on his life.
Some nights, it would be so forceful, it would wake him up. "What was that?" he would asked. "Oh, it's the dog." I would say. "Go back to sleep dear."
In the end, it's these small things that you remember? The little imperfections that make them perfect for you. So to my beautiful children, I hope one day, you too find yourself life partners who are as beautifully imperfect as your father was, to me.
2009年6月10日 星期三
蘇格蘭高地牛 文 ·安德魯·索德斯
桑迪·馬瑟斯,在Mill view的農場裏養了30頭高地牛。“你必須知道每個個體,”他說,“大多數非常安靜和溫柔。它們會高興地讓我喂食。當我和它們共處時,它們會將角儘量避開我,以免傷害到我。但有些牛在產崽後性情就不同了,曾有一頭變得非常壞,繼續養它非常危險,我只好處理了它。當然這是例外,對於絕大多數,它們還是很溫和的。”
2009年6月3日 星期三
性本善: Sex is good.
性相近: Basically, all the sex are same.
習相遠: But it depends on how you do it.
苟不教: If you do not practice all the time,
性乃遷: Sex will leave you.
教之道: The way of learning it
貴以專: It is very important to make love with only one person.
昔孟母: Once a great mother, Mrs Meng
擇鄰處: Choose her neighbor to avoid bad sex influence.
子不學: If you don't study hard,
斷機杼: Your Dick will become useless.
竇燕山: Dou, the Famous,
有義方: Owned a very effective exciting medicine.
教五子: All his five son took it.
名俱揚: And their sexual ability were well-known.
養不教: If your children don't know how to do it,
父之過: It is all your fault.
教不嚴: If they had lots of problems with it,
師之惰: Their teacher must be too lazy to tell them details on sex.
子不學: You may refuse to study this,
非所宜: But that is a real mistake.
幼不學: If you don't learn it in childhood,
老何為: You will lose your ability when aged.
玉不琢: If you don't exercise your dick,
不成器: It won't become hard and strong.
人不學: If you don't learn sex,
不知義: You can by no means enjoy its sweetness.
2009年6月1日 星期一
2009年5月8日 星期五
Vanda Pharmaceuticals 終於等到春天
什麼產業的股票可以跌到每股只剩0.45美元的歷史低價後,因著一項產品的成功,股價再上漲到每股8美元,半年內波段漲幅接近百分之一千八百 (1780%),單日最大漲幅可達999%?
位於美國馬里蘭州的Vanda Pharmaceuticals昨日( 2009-04-07 )收盤單日漲幅達 625.93%。除非台股解除漲跌幅限制,不然這樣的股價曲線圖大概永遠不可能在台灣股市出現。
2008年7月底,美國FDA針對Vanda為iloperidone所提出的新藥申請發出了一個non-approvable letter,FDA認為Vanda必須提供更多該藥物安全方面的資料。問題是,小型生技公司的現金一般都不多,當時Vanda的現金與約當現金僅約五千萬美金,根本不可能有資金再進行任何大規模臨床實驗。這non-approvable letter對中小型生技公司而言,就像死神一樣,宣判了該公司的死刑,Vanda股價因此慘跌近八成!隨後的半年,Vanda股價隨著金融海嘯緩步趨「軟」,一直盤跌到2008年年底的歷史低點0.45每元,之後股價略有回升,但一直都在1美元以下整理。
一般生技公司的股價在壞消息出現而驟跌之後,若該公司管理階層和大股東有共識,認為公司仍有機會的話,多半不會再往下跌太多。Vanda曾於2008年Q3-Q4進行組織重整,裁員15%,並停止所有臨床前實驗以節省開支。但是持有Vanda近15%股權的大股東TCP (Tang Capital Partners)不看好公司營運,2009年2月趁著董事會改選的機會,要求撤換創辦人兼執行長 Mihael Polymeropoulos 及董事長 Argeris Karabelas,並且要求Vanda進行資產拋售換取現金,當時TCP甚至打算藉由手上持股改選董事以達到上述要求。市場派的啃骨頭行動當然遭到Vanda的悍然拒絕。Vanda的未來遭到大部分分析師與媒體的質疑,落魄的Vanda還當選了2007 年的Worst Pharma Stock!!
上帝一定會眷顧認真工作的人嗎?我不知道,但是上帝(或者說FDA就是生技業的上帝?)這次倒是相當眷顧Vanda。Vanda針對FDA的non-approvable letter說明理由進行申訴,得到FDA的認可,FDA於2009年5月7日核准了Vanda的iloperidone的新藥申請,消息一出,股價如火箭般往上衝,結果就是單日最大漲幅高達999%。
報派型開發有成的台灣生技公司們,天天在媒體上告訴對新藥開發外行的投資人,某某藥又獲得FDA「核可」進行第某期臨床實驗,然後股價一路推升,飆到五六十元的「天價」(註一)。問題是你要在台灣進行臨床實驗,燒你自己的錢,試你自己的人,只要Protocol合理可行,FDA幹嘛要擋你? FDA只把守最後一道關卡,就是NDA。你要在美國NDA,就要燒錢依序進行各期臨床試驗,獲得藥效與安全性皆佳的臨床測試資料。這還不保證NDA申請一定會過,如果針對該類疾病,市場上已經有藥物在販售,你還得說服FDA你的藥比起市場上現有藥物到底好在哪哩。像是Vanda這樣走到最後階段被FDA宣判出局的美國生技公司例子可謂不勝枚舉。
2009年5月7日 星期四
(Photo from www.researchvegf.com)
多發性神經膠母細胞瘤是 一種相當惡性的腦瘤,也稱為Glioblastoma mutiforme (GBM),大部份病人都在兩年內死亡。目前治療GBM為放射治療與化學治療併用,化療藥物主要為temozolomide (商品名:帝摩多,Temodal,Schering-Plough),為一種alkylating agent (烷基化藥物),可造成DNA甲基化,進而普遍抑制癌細胞內的基因表現。早期單用temozolomide療效並不顯著,2005年在新英格蘭醫學雜誌有兩個關於temozolomide的重要研究報告:(1) 一個跨歐洲與加拿大的研究顯示,若將temozolomide與放射治療併用,腦瘤病患的存活時間與兩年存活率都有顯著增加;(2) Hegi的研究結果顯示,temozolomide的療效與癌細胞內的MGMT (methylguanine methyltransferase) 活性有關。MGMT負責甲基化DNA,若細胞的MGMT被silencing (靜默化=關閉),意味著細胞失去甲基化酵素活性。在此狀況下使用temozolomide時,其抑制效果會明顯高於MGMT仍然活化的細胞。
此次試驗中,Avastin所併用的化療藥物是Irinotecan,又稱為CPT-11 (商品名:抗癌妥,Camptosar,Pfizer),為Topoisomerase I inhibitor,主要用於轉移性大腸直腸癌。CPT-11是喜樹鹼(camptothecin)的半合成衍生物,水溶性較喜樹鹼更佳,且骨髓抑制等毒性較低,有研究顯示CPT-11對腦瘤也有不錯的療效。由分子生物的研究顯示,GBM是是一種相當仰賴VEGF的腫瘤,因此推測Avastin應該會對GBM有相當不錯的療效,臨床試驗的結果果然印證這個基本分生知識的推測。
- Brandes et al. (2009) Recurrence Pattern After Temozolomide Concomitant With and Adjuvant to Radiotherapy in Newly Diagnosed Patients With Glioblastoma: Correlation With MGMT Promoter Methylation Status. JCO 27: 1275-1279.
- Oshiro et al. (2009) Efficacy of Temozolomide Treatment in Patients with High-grade Glioma. Anticancer Res 29: 911-917.
- Goldhoff et al. (2008) Targeted Inhibition of Cyclic AMP Phosphodiesterase-4 Promotes Brain Tumor Regression. Clin. Cancer Res. 14: 7717-7725.
- Kushner et al. (2006) Irinotecan Plus Temozolomide for Relapsed or Refractory Neuroblastoma. JCO 24: 5271-5276.
- Reardon and Wen (2006) Therapeutic advances in the treatment of glioblastoma: rationale and potential role of targeted agents. The Oncologist 11: 152-164.
- Paulino et al. (2005) Treatment of brain tumors.. NEJM 352: 2350-2353.
- DeAngelis (2005) Chemotherapy for Brain Tumors — A New Beginning. NEJM 352: 1036-1038.
- Stupp et al. (2005) Radiotherapy plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide for newly diagnosed glioblastoma. NEJM 352: 987-996.
- Hegi et al. (2005) MGMT gene silencing and benefit from temozolomide in glioblastoma. NEJM 352: 997-1003.
2009年5月5日 星期二
Genentech 產品發展部門總裁 Susan Desmond-Hellmann 將出任 UCSF 校長
根據WSJ的消息,Genentech 明星藥 Herceptin, Rituxan 及 Avastin 的推手、產品發展部門總裁 Susan Desmond-Hellmann 將在羅式控股以每股95美金的高價收購 Genentech後,揮別一起奮鬥了14年的 Genentech ,成為加州大學舊金山分校(UCSF)校長,此項人事案將在加大2009-05-07的董事會中投票。
Susan Desmond-Hellmann 手中的 Genentech 股票超過一百萬股,市值至少30億台幣。
2009/03/30 19:21 鉅亨網
Ernst & Young:四大趨勢將影響生技產業未來的商業運轉模式
根據 Ernst & Young 的最新報告 Beyond borders: Global biotechnology report 2009,2008年的經濟危機將撼動目前生技產業的商業模式,未來生技產業的商業運作將受到下列四項重要因素的影響:
1. 學名藥的發展:學名藥的重要性將大幅增加,尤其是目前已到期或即將到期的明星藥,由於學名藥的出現將可大幅降低公部門與保險單位的負擔,目前已到期或即將到期的明星藥未來將面臨學名藥的強力競爭。
2. 美國醫療改革:由於美國是目前世界最大的藥物市場,美國即將進行的醫療改革方案及給付制度將深深影響未來生技及醫藥產業走向。
3. 個人化醫療:個人化醫療將增加早期研發(生技公司相對於大藥廠的利基)的相對價值,也增加其談判籌碼,更有效率的藥物開發技術也將降低研發成本,增加生技公司自給自足的機會。
4. 全球化:新興市場日益倍增的重要性將促使藥廠或生技公司採取更具創造性的雙贏方案,例如將資本與美國以外的市場與具創造性競爭力的伙伴共享。同時,亞洲的商業運轉模式將會是歐美面臨困境的生技或製藥公司ㄧ個可能的解決方案。
2009 全球新興生技聚落 -- 還在計較學歷認證的台灣在哪裡?
Emerging Biotechnology Clusters
Experienced Management and VCs and a Serial Entrepreneurial Culture Provide Critical Keys to Success
Gail Dutton
Boston, San Francisco, San Diego, and Cambridge are on everyone’s list of the top biotech clusters. Medicon Valley, straddling the border of Sweden and Denmark, Switzerland’s BioValley, Seattle, and Paris may be on that list, too, and no wonder. These are areas where biotech thrives. Biotech is so successful at attracting brainpower, related industries, and money to regions that today almost everybody is trying to get into the act. Obviously, some regions will fare better than others. Many of these clusters have formed because of local political interest. “Consequently, many of the clusters don’t reach critical mass,” notes Willy DeGreef, secretary general, EuropaBio. There are many great research universities throughout the world, and most regions with a nascent biotech industry have at least one. Good ideas and the scientific capital to bring them to fruition, therefore, are plentiful. It’s the business aspects of growing a biotech cluster that are often most difficult, and that can make the difference between success and mediocrity or even failure. As Glen Giovannetti, global biotech leader at Ernst & Young, points out, “The secret sauce for biotech success is experienced venture capital, experienced management, and a serial entrepreneurial culture.” GEN talked with a number of biotech industry thought leaders to identify some of the most promising emerging biotech clusters. One point they all made is that it’s nearly impossible to choose the best, and that even the term biotech is hard to define. The term “emerging” had some challenges, too. Nonetheless, here are some of the regions that are capturing their attention. Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro are the three leading biotech clusters. Generic manufacturers are currently predominant, but they realize the need for innovative new compounds, according to Sarah Frew, Ph.D., research associate at McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health at the University Health Network and the University of Toronto. The biotech sector is dominated by small to medium-sized companies that are focused on agriculture, although some small innovative drug firms exist. Collaborations tend to be with Brazilian universities and with foreign companies, but not with other Brazilian companies, and usually are for services like marketing or for access to information. Private financing remains challenging, and public funds are limited. Belo Horizonte, in the northern part of the country, is the capital of Minas Gerais, and was Brazil’s first planned city. It has three universities, including the University of Minas Gerais, which is known for its science and technology. The Biominas Foundation also is located in Belo Horizonte. The Foundation has helped 33 biotech companies generate business opportunities since its inception in 1990, and its Incubator of Companies program has introduced 21 start-ups to the market since 1997. Biominas is an active lobbyist for the biotech industry, and its officers have close ties to the government and to the venture capital community. São Paulo is home to the Butantan Institute, which is one of two vaccine suppliers to the Brazilian Program for National Immunization (PNI), universities, and to Intrials, which claims to be the largest full-service clinical trials research organization in Brazil. Rio de Janerio has the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, which plays a major role in developing healthcare products. The Immunobiologicals Technology Institute, known as Biomanguinhos, is the other vaccine supplier to the PNI and is located in Rio. Both Toronto and Vancouver have good, small companies, but they’re struggling for capital. They have the benefit of government support and strong universities, particularly the University of Toronto, the University of Guelph, and the University of British Columbia. Entrepreneurship skills need to be honed, however. In the heart of Toronto, the MaRS Center incubates a host of companies within about a mile of five teaching hospitals, the University of Toronto, the provincial parliament, and the financial district. The local government takes a close interest in the Center’s success, and several promising research projects are moving toward commercialization. Vancouver, on Canada’s west coast, consistently ranks as a fast-growing cluster, attracting more than 90 companies, some with late-stage trials. The University of British Columbia has an active tech-transfer department that has spun out several companies. The People’s Republic of China has declared the development of a vibrant biotech industry to be one of its top priorities, and several biotech parks have emerged. Shanghai and Beijing are home to the largest groupings of biotech companies, according to Dr. Frew. Both cities boast good universities. “Shanghai is the new center of business and commerce in China, rivaling Hong Kong,” according to Zhu Shen, Ph.D., CEO of BioForesight. The Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park, located in the Pudong New Area, is home to more than 3,600 companies focused on life sciences, software, and information technology. Of those, more than 250 are life sciences companies, employing a total of 20,000 life sciences professionals. About half the Park revenues are from life sciences, Dr. Shen adds. The Zhangjiang Drug Valley, as that park is nicknamed, has developed 17 square kilometers of the 25 square kilometers within the park. Companies include 7 of the top 10 big pharma companies and more than 110 indigenous CRO or outsourcing firms, novel drug discovery firms, contract manufacturers, and others. Nearby organizations include the Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, and Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. About 80 kilometers west, “Suzhou BioBay is hungrier and more aggressive, and focuses on early-stage and innovative companies,” Dr. Shen says. “Government officials at Suzhou BioBay and at Suzhou Industrial Park tend to be younger, energetic, and well-versed in English and Western-style business operations.” The parks are known for consistent policies, pro-business mentalities, and large private funding networks. Beijing is home to numerous government agencies and savvy entrepreneurs who know how to work with government. The Beijing Zhong-guan-cum Life Science Park is one of China’s older biotech parks, Genzyme and Bayer Schering both have announced plans to develop R&D centers there. The Institute of Biotechnology, Beijing Normal University, Peking University, Beijing University, and other universities are located here. Although China in general has some cost advantages, thought leaders say they still hear concerns about intellectual property “which is getting better,” Giovanneti points out. As yet the companies and universities are doing discovery research, and clinical trials, but the industry hasn’t yet moved into late-stage research. “There’s been a lot of activity here in public/private partnerships for biotech parks,” Giovannetti says. Overall, the region is still strong in generics, but some innovative companies are coming out of Genome Valley, about 20 miles from Hyderabad, and also from Bangalore. Within the next two to three years, India expects to have about 27 biotech parks, according to Ernst & Young. ICICI Knowledge Park was founded in 2000 on 200 acres of land. It currently is 100% occupied, with 80,000 square feet of wet labs and about 1,400 employees onsite, according to the just-released Ernst & Young study, “Biotechnology Clusters in India”. Genome Valley also includes the Shapoorji Pallonji Biotech Park with modular wet labs, pilot plants, a business incubation center, and business support facilities. Its 140-acre phase I site is operational, and the phase II site is expected to be completed by 2015. Hyderabad is dominated by the generics industry but has some biotech companies that are working on innovative drugs. CROs, including GVK Biosciences, are growing, spanning the gap between discovery and development. Strengths include the University of Hyderabad, which has a strong private partnership culture. Biocon anchors the biotech industry in Bangalore. Spin-offs Syngene and Clinigene also are there, as well as the Indian Institute of Science and the Institute for Bioinformatics and Biotech. In addition, “the Biocon CEO has been a driving force for biotechnology in India,” Dr. Frew says. “India released a biotech strategic plan last year,” Dr. Frew adds. The plan aims to streamline a confusing and bureaucratic regulatory process and, she says, “signals a willingness to work together.” The downsides to India, as well as any other developing country, Dr. Frew says, are that “tech transfer is a huge barrier,” and capital is in short supply. Lille capitalizes on ties to Lille University, where Louis Pasteur developed the purification process now known as pasteurization. The Pas de Calais area around Lille has some 800 healthcare and biotech companies. The Eurasante Bio-business Park, based in Lille, currently has about 30 biotech firms employing some 3,700 people. It is growing quickly because of its proximity to major universities, seven hospitals, the Pasteur Institute, and other international institutions. The region has a well-developed infrastructure to support life science research and development. Tokyo’s biotech cluster is patterned after the bionetworks in Chiba, Yokohama, and Tsukuba. Tokyo has a large concentration of companies focused on monoclonal research and also on stem cell research. Universities in the city include the University of Tokyo and the Tokyo Institute of Technology, which both have graduate-level biotechnology programs. Tokyo University of Science and a long list of other schools also contribute to the scientific acumen of the city, as does its strong IT industry. The three cities comprising the Tokyo Bay Biotech cluster are close by. In 2006, Silico Research Limited ranked Rehovot as number eight in its list of the top non-U.S. biotech clusters, citing its work in monoclonals. About 20 kilometers from Tel Aviv, Rehovot is home to the 250-acre Tamar Science Park, the Weizmann Institute of Science, as well as Hebrew University’s Faculty of Agriculture. Rehovot, which is known as Israel’s science city, has a higher than average population of university-educated citizens. Israel has more than 900 life sciences companies. Of those, 55% are devoted to medical devices, and about 21% are focused on biotechnology. Pharmaceuticals constitute another 12% of the market, according to ILSI. Most of the pharmaceutical companies are engaged in generics, but 25% are developing new chemical entities. The country is entrepreneurial, and companies are spinning off from the universities in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. About 14% are at clinical stage. The Biopolis at the One-North corporate park has attracted some of the world’s leading researchers and also persuaded many R&D and manufacturing companies to locate facilities there. The hope is that those activities will spur local entrepreneurs. Like many emerging regions, it still needs a vibrant venture capital community. Biopolis is near the National University of Singapore and the National University Hospital. Phase one includes seven buildings—two for the private sector and five for public institutions. Phase two, completed in 2006, brought total research space to 222,000 square meters (about 2.4 million square feet). Biopolis is home to the Agency of Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR), which leads the country’s scientific research and development efforts for the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Home to many top biotech clusters, nearly every state is hoping to become a player in the biotech field. Thought leaders like Florida’s chances. Several leading institutes are located in the state including the Burnham Institute for Medical Research, Scripps Florida, SRI International, and the Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies. Also, East Coast researchers often are familiar with Florida, so attracting senior researchers as full-time residents isn’t difficult. The Innovation Incentive Fund, however, was slashed at the end of fiscal 2008. The additional challenge is to grow companies through spin-offs from these and other institutions. Colorado also has strong potential, with continued high levels of state funding for start-up companies and research intuitions. Precommercialization funding grants are capped at $250 million for companies from a five-year, $26.5 million program. Additional funding also is available. Clusters are forming in Denver and Boulder, but the nascent firms tend to be acquired by larger companies before reaching maturity. In the U.S., additional emerging cluster contenders include Madison, Wisconsin; Orange County, California; and Houston, Texas. Madison is home to the University of Wisconsin, which has a strong life sciences program, and the region has a specialized job concentration in pharmaceuticals; medical devices; agricultural feedstocks, chemicals, and research; and testing and medical laboratories, according to BIO. Orange County is known for its medical devices, but increasingly is adding biotech to its list of strengths, according to Tim Ingersoll at BioCom. Houston has more than 120 biotech organizations and is home to St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, a prominent neuroscience center. Australia has more than 400 companies, mostly clustered in Sydney and Melbourne. Major contributions are coming out of the University of Queensland and other universities. Like many regions, it had been hit hard by the economic downturn and many sources of government funding have disappeared. Malaysia has a growing bioinformatics sector, and industry experts say several companies there have gained funding recently from a leading U.S. capital fund. The government favors growing the biotech industry, so the industry is gaining traction. In Europe, Barcelona, Ghent, and Montpelier, France, are benefitting from significant government interest and proximity to leading universities. And Scotland, whose biocluster is composed of more than 620 life science companies, is one of the continent’s largest and fastest-growing life science clusters—generating more than $4.4 billion (£3 billion) annually.
(D. Bhella, MRC Virology Unit)Brazil
United States
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